Thursday, February 10, 2011



Covering chipboard, MDF, plywood, block board, glass shelf (minimum of 6 mm in thickness. Should be) (Figure 4)
For more information on weight limits and talk to an expert. Any wood or glass shelves with a mounting system you use, column / support center distances up to 800 mm. must. If the carrying capacity of the high weights of the shortened distance between them.

The length of the overall length of the ledge of the rack shelves at the end of 1 / 6?? URL should not exceed (figure 4). It should be noted that this measure, the shelf stability of the substance and is proportional to the kalınhlık.

1. How many decide to use planting. The first planting hole for the screw top mark with a pencil. This is a suitable anchor point using a drill, and further tightening the screw to the wall to plant.

2. Is exactly perpendicular to the water balance, such as planting a device (figure 5) Make sure.

3. After making sure the holes in the other mark, and just as in the above drill and insert the screws (figure 6).

4. Insert the first to plant the first of elbows. The second bracket, complete the first one to the next level with the other pillar in the plug and using a spirit level with the shelf (figure 7), make sure that both the full-flat.

* Now check the second pillar, the top hole and screw it to the wall, repeat the above procedure exactly.
You can repeat this process to need all the poles.
Brackets, pillars into the racks and shelving brackets to attach the appropriate heights.


* Single mounting bracket for shelves, setting the above-mentioned beam assembly, the first bracket assembly and erection stages of erecting the same.
Rack and water scales, using the full second straight elbow level. Check the top screw hole of the second elbow. Now people just repeat what you do for the first elbow.
Shelves by using the appropriate screws secure the brackets.

Making Cabinates

Whether any of you get a frame custom-made for this measure from the inside edge of the long or short rectangular piece of wood cut or precise kesebiliyorsanız.
Sizes that can fit into the frame should be cut in your tracks. Kestirdiğiniz this track here is a strong adhesive paste, or vidalayabilirsiniz.Bu çakabilir finishing nails, but if you can paint the frame Shelf ready ..